About us

Welcome to the Africa Is The New

Africa Is The New Black envisions a thriving and connected community, one in which all of its members have dependable access to resources that enrich and empower lives. A community where all of its members feel they can belong, one in which everyone has a chance to both contribute and receive. A community where everyone can feel fulfilled by their involvement.

What makes Africa Is The New Black different?

We’re an organization focused on ending generational poverty by providing jobs to the locals. Over the past 30 years, the clothing industry has been controlled by a minority of companies, taking advantage of human workforces. With your support, women can work whenever they want, and provide an income for the family.

The seamstresses gets paid by each item. So when you make a purchase, a fixed value of your dollars go toward exactly what you intended – supporting Africans in poverty.

2021 KickStarter campaign for social justice

Help raise $130,000 our project

Africa Is The new Black is trying to create equality by rising money to a project on that matter. We are selling t-shirts, made by African in Africa, without any investors. 

We want you, the contributors, to be the real investors. The only ones not wanting to taking advantage of people, but stregthen them. 

Hoover above - and see where your item is made

Where are the seamstress located?



2021 KickStarter campaign for social justice

Africa Is The new Black is trying to create equality by rising money to a project on that matter. We are selling T-Shirts, made by African in Africa, without any investors. 

We want you, the contributors, to be the real investors. The only ones not wanting to taking advantage of people, but stregthen them. 

Help raise $130,000 our project

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